3 2 One

3, 2, ONE!

I simply cannot believe my little guy will be one next month! Where has the time gone? Well, of course being the uber planner that I am, I’ve already decided on a theme, designed the invites, and started buying some of the decorations. 🙂 I’ll be posting each stage of the prep, and then a finale post after the big day. 🙂

Here are the invites that I made at picnik.com. If you haven’t checked it out, it is too much fun, and FREE! It’s got all of your basic photo editing features and some extra fun little tidbits to make super cute birthday invites, buttons for your blogs, etc.

The theme for the party is an outer space/rocket/3, 2, ONE blastoff theme! 🙂 I set the dimensions for the invite to be 5″x7″ so I can have them printed up at Wal-Mart. Easy peasy with a professional twist! 🙂

Here is the invite:

(click on the image to see it up close and personal)

3 2 One

What do you think? 🙂 I found the invite lingo all over the web so if you helped to contribute, a big, giant thank you to you!

P.S. These invites are going to be sent out in brown paper envelopes with “Top Secret” stamps on them. 🙂 I’ll post a pic when they are ready.

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