Hey, All! I sure hope you had a wonderful weekend! I had a SUPER 30th! Thank you for the birthday wishes!
This project was inspired by my niece. I was over visiting family when I saw a great, little piece of artwork she had done in art class. It was a big letter with a mosaic background that looked like stained glass. I asked how she had made it, and then I decided to give it a whirl.
Here is what you will need: aluminum foil, an image to be copied, a piece of cardboard or cardstock, Scotch tape, black tape (or duct tape), transparency paper, scissors, and permanent markers.
First, I found an image online. I copied the image into PowerPoint and enlarged it to fit an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper and printed it out. I taped the image behind the transparency paper and traced around the outside with a black permanent marker (the faux lead).
After I traced around the outside of the image, I removed the printed sheet from behind the transparency paper, turned the transparency paper over, and taped it to plain, white paper (you should be coloring on the opposite side you traced the outline).
Now fill in your image with colored permanent markers.
Once you have colored your entire image, cut out a piece of aluminum foil to the same size as your transparency paper.
Crumple up the foil (not too much), gently unfold it, and press it flat.
Now take your transparency paper and lay it on top of your foil. Back it with a piece of cardboard or cardstock and tape around the perimeter or you could place it in a frame.
This project is super great for older kiddos! They can pick out any image or even draw their own, and they can color it any way they want to!