Baby Shower Welcoming Wishes Frame

Baby Shower Welcoming Wishes Frame

Another cutie shower project for you! 🙂 Remember our inspiration bedding?

(click on any image to make it bigger)

Baby Shower Welcoming Wishes Frame

I love, love this project because it is such a sweet keepsake for the new little one. I bought a frame at a craft store at 50% off (I never, ever buy anything unless it’s on sale). I also got a mat 50% off! 🙂 I made sure that it had room for people to write welcoming wishes for the new arrival. I added a band of ribbon across the bottom and a letter P to personalize it for the baby.

(click on any image to make it bigger)

1 Baby Shower Welcoming Wishes Frame

(click on any image to make it bigger)

2 Baby Shower Welcoming Wishes Frame

Have the frame out at the shower so guests can sign it when they come in. Be sure to provide an archival pen in a coordinating color. 🙂

Such an easy and affordable project that means so much! Come back Saturday for the last installment of our baby shower week projects!

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