Have you ever had a bad craft day? Well, I had one today, and I have to tell you, it’s not so much fun. This post will make you laugh and cry… from laughter!
I made this super cute bracelet last night!
Totally FUN, right? So I woke up and started working on another one for a tutorial. Well, it was a colossal bust… literally. It busted open. See.
So needless to say, I took a break from the fabric-covered bracelet. It is salvageable, and there will be a tutorial…some day. 🙂
On to craft project number two: a banner for Father’s Day! It’s Keith’s first Father’s Day, and I wanted to make it really special! I thought an “I love Daddy” banner would be perfect!
Then I had a stroke of genius! I thought, “Why don’t I make this two-sided?” I decided to put “I heart Daddy” on one side and “Freedom” on the other. The “I heart Daddy” can hang until Father’s Day, and “Freedom” could be displayed for the rest of June and early July. Holy cow! What a great idea! Take a look.
And now here’s the other side.
My stroke of genius turned into a very ugly blonde moment. 🙂 “Freedom” turned into “Modeerf”… not really a patriotic word. When you put the start of one word on the back of the start of the second word (does that make sense?), it doesn’t work out so well. 🙂 I can laugh about it… now.
I will definitely attempt the two-sided banner again because it is pretty fantastic! I’ll just be more careful next time! My day wasn’t a total bust. The “I heart Daddy” banner turned out perfect, and I learned a GREAT lesson! 🙂 LOL!