Be Better Me January

Be a Better Me January

Happy New Year! What a fantastic day! A new, fresh start! Everyone is feeling optimistic and excited to tackle their resolutions, and I have come up with a way to help me stay on track throughout the year! One year to be a better me, one resolution every month, make it a habit, and move on!

This month I’m tackling HEALTH! We all know most women have some resolution to lose weight, but this one goes way beyond just dropping some lbs. It’s about improving my physical AND my mental health…changing eating habits, restarting my workout plan, visiting doctors (even if it’s scary), making time for just me, and spending quality time with my family and friends.

I’m starting with a TO DO list so I can map out how I will implement these changes throughout the month:

  • Set up doctors appointments (one for a physical, and one to see the dermatologist)
  • Eat out only once per week
  • Cook and try new, healthy recipes
  • Snack on veggies
  • Cut out caramel colored soda
  • Walk or jog at least 3 times a week for at least 45 minutes
  • Schedule a girl’s night out
  • Get a massage
  • Make time just for me to do what I want to do (read, craft, blog, take a warm bubble bath, etc.)

The list is a work in progress, I’m sure I’ll add a few things throughout the month…like get a pedicure. 🙂 I’m happy with it because it’s a starting off point. I’m also happy that I don’t have a specific number of pounds to lose or a goal weight. I know that implementing these changes will get me the results I seek!

At the request of a very dear friend, I’ve made the Be a Better Me printable in blue and brown. Here you are sweet friend!

Be Better Me January

Wishing you the best 2011! 🙂

Instructions for Making Be a Better Me Project

Materials Needed:

  • Tulle fabric
  • Poly satin in various colors
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
  • Hot glue gun or needle and thread
  • Clip-on earring findings
  • Personalization materials (optional: beads, embellishments)
  • Shoes for customizing

Steps to Create Your Project:

1. Prepare the Tulle:

Begin by cutting the tulle into strips of your desired length and width for the volume you want to create.

2. Create the Volume:

Layer several strips of tulle together, gathering them at the center to create a puffed volume.

3. Prepare the Poly Satin Circles:

Cut circles from the poly satin. These will be used for additional layers of decoration.

4. Layer the Components:

Take the gathered tulle and layer the satin circles on top, securing them with glue or stitches.

5. Additional Personalization:

Add beads or small embellishments to the project for a personalized touch.

6. Attach the Clip-On Earring:

Use hot glue to secure the layered components to the clip-on earring finding.

7. Prepare the Shoes:

Decide how you want to customize your shoes and clean them to ensure the best adhesion of the materials.

8. Make Additional Pairs:

Follow the same steps to create matching or themed pairs of earrings or other accessories.

9. Enjoy Your Custom Creation:

Put on your custom earrings and celebrate your creativity. Don’t forget to share your creations with friends!


Embrace the fun and creativity of this project! It’s a fantastic way to express your personal style and dedicate time to yourself. Happy crafting!

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