3 Tweet Tweet And Printable Color Change

TWEET TWEET and a Printable Color Change

Hello Blogland Friends! Guess what! Crafts & Sutch is on Twitter! I like to think of myself as pretty tech savvy, but Twitter is like a foreign world and it has me feeling like a total newb…not noob, newb. There is a difference. See? Urban Dictionary says so:

Noob: A “noob” is a person who is new or inexperienced in a subject, usually an online game. Noobs are usually annoying and excessively stupid.

Newb: A term used to describe an inexperienced gamer/person/etc. Unlike a noob, a newb is someone who actually wants to get better.

I’m definitely a newb! It may take a few days to get this whole @, #, RT, FT, etc. down, but I’m hoping to go pro by next week. 🙂

Now on to fun, free stuff! A super duper fantastic reader asked for the But the Greatest of these is Love Printables in a few different colors. So her request is everyone’s gain! 🙂

Tweet Tweet And Printable Color Change
1 Tweet Tweet And Printable Color Change
2 Tweet Tweet And Printable Color Change
3 Tweet Tweet And Printable Color Change

Have a wonderful weekend!

Instructions for Making Clip-On Earrings

  • Materials Needed:
    • Tulle fabric
    • Poly satin circles
    • Clip-on earring bases
    • Scissors
    • Needle and thread (matching colors)
    • Hot glue gun (optional)
    • Embellishments (optional)


1. Prepare the Tulle

Start by cutting the tulle fabric into several layers in your desired shape for the earrings. This will form the base for your earrings.

2. Create the Volume

Gather the tulle layers together and secure them with a stitch in the center. This will help create the beautiful volume you want.

3. Prepare the Poly Satin Circles

Cut the poly satin into circles that will serve as the backing for your earrings. Make sure they are slightly larger than the tulle layers.

4. Layer the Components

Place the poly satin circle flat, then layer the tulle on top, adjusting as needed for a pleasing appearance.

5. Additional Personalization

Feel free to add any embellishments you like, such as beads, sequins, or additional layers of fabric to enhance your design.

6. Attach the Clip-On Earring

Using hot glue or needle and thread, carefully attach the clip-on earring base to the back of your layered components.

7. Prepare the Shoes

This step is optional. If you want matching shoes, feel free to add some of the leftover fabric to embellish your shoes.

8. Make Additional Pairs

Once you get the hang of making these earrings, consider making multiple pairs in different colors.

9. Enjoy Your Custom Creation

Wear your beautiful new earrings and enjoy the creativity that went into making them! Don’t forget to share your creations with friends!


This project is a fantastic way to express your creativity and personal style through jewelry. Enjoy the process of crafting and take pride in your unique creations!

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