11 Wire Ornaments

Wire Ornaments

Hello and happy December! 🙂 I’m so excited it’s finally here! I’ve been doing a few Christmasy projects, but haven’t put anything up just yet. I hope to have it all done by the weekend and start posting some pics soon!

Here is the guest post I did for Under the Table and Dreaming’s handmade ornament event last week just in case you missed it. If you didn’t get to take a peek at all of the ornaments, I encourage you to head over there! There was so much inspiration in a few short days!

Today we are making wire word ornaments. Here’s a peek at JOY!

Wire Ornaments

You will need the following supplies to get started: craft wire (I used 20 gauge), wire cutters, buttons, and a pencil or skewer. Optional supplies: round nose pliers, scrap fabric, and ribbon.

NOTE: I found the Make It Christmas brand glitter wire – 20 gauge was the easiest to work with and most forgiving. It is sold at Hobby Lobby and Michael’s.

Without picking up your pen, jot down the words you want to create out of wire. This will act as your guide when you are creating the ornament.

1 Wire Ornaments

Cut a length of wire with wire cutters. The length will depend on the word you are making in wire, but a good rule of thumb is to cut more than you think you need. 18″ is a good starting point.

2 Wire Ornaments

Begin to shape the letters.

3 Wire Ornaments

I like to use buttons for the letter O. Thread the wire through one hole in the button, make a kink in the wire, and then thread the wire through the second hole.

4 Wire Ornaments

Continue to shape the letters. If you come to a letter like the Y, where the wire will lay over itself, just give it a good squeeze with your fingers or round nose pliers.

5 Wire Ornaments

Finish the wire word by looping it around the end of a round pencil or skewer.

6 Wire Ornaments

Cut a length of wire for the hanger, make a loop on each end using either a pencil or round nose pliers, and attach it to the word.

7 Wire Ornaments

Add ribbon, scrap fabric, or other embellishments.

8 Wire Ornaments

Here are a few others that I made: NOEL with an ivory button and scrap fabric.

9 Wire Ornaments

LOVE with a gold, heart button for the O and cream ribbon.

10 Wire Ornaments

I love adding ornaments to packages for a little something extra. Wouldn’t it be so sweet to create the recipient’s name and use it as a gift tag? 🙂

11 Wire Ornaments

Thank you so much for letting me spend some time with you all today! I wish you a wonderful holiday season!

Instructions for Making Wire Word Ornaments

  • Craft wire (20 gauge)
  • Wire cutters
  • Buttons
  • Pencil or skewer
  • Optional: Round nose pliers, scrap fabric, ribbon

Prepare the Tulle

While not directly used, ensure your workspace is organized and set up for your wire crafting.

Create the Volume

Select the gauge of wire you’d like to work with. For this project, 20 gauge is recommended for its flexibility.

Prepare the Poly Satin Circles

This step isn’t directly related to the wire word ornaments, but you may consider making satin embellishments for additional decoration.

Layer the Components

Check your materials to ensure you have everything ready for creating your wire word ornaments.

Additional Personalization

Jot down the words you want to create beforehand to guide your crafting process.

Attach the Clip-On Earring

When you finish shaping your word, cut a length of wire for the hanger and attach it securely.

Prepare the Shoes

Ensure you have a clean surface to work on as the crafting process can get messy.

Make Additional Pairs

Once you master one word, feel free to create more words or phrases as you experiment with different designs!

Enjoy Your Custom Creation

Share your creations with friends and family to encourage others and enjoy the festive crafting spirit together!

Have fun with the project and express your personal style through your unique ornaments!

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